The world needs better designed physical and digital products, better-designed services, and better systems connecting all of these - fast.
We believe our hosts are very special people, and love the perspectives on their respective disciplines.
Feel free to get in touch with any of them on their social media channels.
Gerry is the host of Bringing Design Closer and Getting Started in Design podcasts.
Gerry is a service designer with extensive background in design research and strategy. He is deeply passionate about designs application in working with vulnerable groups.
Gerry is based in Dublin, Ireland. Up until 2018, he was based in Sydney, Australia and relocated back to Ireland after 13-years.
Gerry is host of the World Wide Waste podcast, named after Gerry's book with the same name.
Gerry is an internationally recognised voice on CX and a huge advocate for improving how organisations create, deliver and manage content. His method Top Tasks, has been used by many of the world's leading organisations.
Gerry is based in Ireland.
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