Human-Centered Design Category - Human Centered Design Network, Service Design , UX Courses

Help me design a meaningful community for change-makers

I have had several conversations recently (coaching and social connections) with people all over the world recently. What struck me is the underlying feeling that many of us are feeling. That feeling of being alone. Somewhat on the periphery within our organisations and work.
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Is it time to refresh, repair or retire your personas?

The term ‘persona’ does have different interpretations, so let’s ground ourselves with a sweeping statement. Generally speaking, personas are fictional, composite characters created by organisations to represent the ways someone might interact with their service, product, site, policy or even brand.
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Looking for a human centered design job? Design leaders share their hiring secrets

What do you look for when you’re hiring human centred designers?
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Gamification, a new form of human-centred design?

Gamification is defined as “The use of game mechanics and experience design to engage users to solve real world problems” (Oberprieler, 2017). A game mechanic is a component of a game, which could be points, badges, social challenges, rewards, unlocking content, and much more.
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Considering a career in human centered design? Experts share their tips on how to get started

This is HCD are collaborating with human centred design experts from Google, Fjord, Airbnb and other leading design teams to answer your questions. You may be new to design, considering a career in design or a refined practitioner, let us know, via Slack or email, what you’d like to know and we’ll reach out to them for answers.
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The Power of Designing for Social Impact

An intro to Social Design (or whatever it’s called)
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Human-Centered Design™ is Bullshit

Pentagram partner and award-winning designer Natasha Jen created quite a stir when she confidently announced to the world in June 2017 that ‘Design Thinking was Bullshit’.
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How YouTube is failing children, and what it means for designing AI-moderated experiences

If your child uses YouTube without supervision, they have probably watched an animated video with Peppa Pig weeping as a dentist shoves a needle into her mouth, and then screaming as he extracts her teeth.
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Design ethics for designers who give a toss

As human-centred design grows and becomes ubiquitous in our workplaces, the need to design ethically has never been greater.
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Speculations on the future of Design

Here are seven end-of-the-decade speculations on the future of design.
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Design, Futures and LSD

What Service Design is or isn’t is not the purpose of this article. To each designer, their practice, and the work usually speaks for itself. This article aims to start a conversation. One not about services being seen as a discrete design outcome supplying a human need — i.e. public housing, or utilities such as energy and water — nor one about financially viable strategies satisfying both customers and staff requirements. Rather, one expressing that the design of services cannot be dissociated from the practice of making. A Latent version of Service Design, so to speak.
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Experience Design explained by four design experts

This is HCD are collaborating with human centered design experts from Google, Fjord, Airbnb and other leading design teams to answer your questions. You may be new to design, considering a career in design or a refined practitioner, let us know, via Slack or email, what you’d like to know and we’ll reach out to them for answers.
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