Service Blueprint Essentials

Join Gerry Scullion to learn about the theory and the craft of creating high-quality service blueprints.


Develop your visualisation skills

Blueprinting is one of the most powerful tools in any innovators toolkit. When correctly presented and created, it provides a visual representation of the person using the product or service but also what needs to happen in the organisational ecosystem in order to enable this to happen.

In this course we reference heavily Journey Maps and the interrelationship with blueprints.

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What You’ll Learn

Module 1
Exploring Service Design and the role of Blueprints.

Module 2
Introducing Blueprints.

Module 3
Typology of a Blueprint.

Module 4
Kicking-off your Blueprint.

Interface - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this course for?

This course has been created for anyone interested in learning more about the blueprinting tool. We have had people from UX Design, UI Design, Product Design, Service Design, Business Analyst and Product Management complete this course.

Do I need to know about Service Design?

Not at all. Gerry believes that this course is a perfect entry or refresher course for people looking to build a career in Service Design.

Will I need a computer?

For the optimal experience, it's best you have access to a working computer so you can engage with the content.

Have a question not listed here?

Please get in touch with us at - and we will be more than happy to help you!

Sign up now

Available now

Available Now

This is a self-paced video course. You have 365-days to watch it as many times as you like.

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Local taxes may apply.
Service Blueprint Essentials

What You’ll Get

  • 60 minutes of self-paced learning
  • Lifetime access
  • Ask questions online
  • Certificate of Completion from The Human Centered Design Network

A dedicated solution for startups and enterprises


Service Blueprint Essentials

Gerry Scullion
Gerry Scullion

Join Gerry Scullion to learn about the theory and the craft of creating high-quality service blueprints.

Learn the basics of service blueprinting

Buy Now for €99
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Join Gerry Scullion to learn about the theory and the craft of creating high-quality service blueprints.

Learn the basics of service blueprinting

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Gallery - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates


Watch & learn on your own time

This is a full video-based course, so start immediately.


No prior knowledge of service design or blueprinting is necessary to enrol in this course.


Follow along
60 minutes of video content. (30 minute theory + 30 minute demonstration)


Learn by Doing
You will be able to create a killer Service Blueprint from scratch, and be able to take it from lo-fidelty to high-fidelity.

Sign up now
Available now

Available Now

This is a self-paced video course. You have 365-days to watch it as many times as you like.

Local taxes may apply.


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You’ll receive emails about this course as well as related future courses. Opt out at any time.

Service Blueprint Essentials

What You’ll Get

  • 60 minutes of self-paced learning
  • Lifetime access
  • Ask questions online
  • Certificate of Completion from The Human Centered Design Network